Saturday, December 12, 2009

Been Busy: Advocating Against Abuse of Restraint and Seclusion

I haven't been writing much over the months, but I have been rather busy over here.

Bubba and I went to Washington DC this past week to attend a press conference on newly introduced legislation on the issue of seclusion and restraint. While it was my second trip to DC this year, it was Bubba's first that he can remember (we also visited as a family when he was almost 2).

My favorite part of the trip was when Bubba met Congressmen Miller:

Congressman Miller: Can I introduce myself to you?

Bubba, not looking up: Nooope!

Me: Secret forehead slap

I have been advocating on the issue of misuse of seclusion and restraint for years, as it personally affected our family. While my children are now safe (we homeschool), many MANY are not. Much of the public believes that child abuse is not tolerated in public schools, and that violators could be prosecuted. THIS IS NOT TRUE. Currently there is NO LEGAL recourse if your child is placed in a seclusion room or restrained. In many states, including Missouri, corporal punishment is allowed and Child Protective Services does not have authority to investigate. You'd think common sense would prevail, but unfortunately, children--especially those with disabilities--are being mistreated and abused everyday in our schools. I encourage you to look into the situation.


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

I can't tell you how thankful I am that I have people like you to count on to advocate for all our children. I promise to keep blogging and doing all I can as well.


Stimey said...

Rock on! Congratulations! I am thrilled that you were able to go out for the press conference. You have worked so hard on this. And I absolutely love Bubba: "Nooope!"

Way to make a difference, Ange!