Friday, April 6, 2007


I was going to post something well thought out and organized regarding the Oprah show, but I don't have the energy. Here's the e-mail I sent to a few of my friends after the show. I was expecting the show to be entirely Autism Speaks driven, but was pleasantly surprised. I was only irritated by Katie Wright.


So... opinions on Oprah? I'm curious what everyone else thought!

I was a little disappointed the panel failed to show the "spectrum" or a range of the "faces of autism" since they represented pretty specifically the "regression"-type of autism and only children. I am concerned the disjoint between the pediatrician and the panel might add to the confusion.... Even Oprah was confused regarding early intervention before the age of two when the folks just said their kids "were normal" until after 2. I was glad suicide lady (allison, who stated in the movie that she almost drove off a bridge because of her daughter) spoke up.

And I think the vaccine thing needed to be addressed (big white elephant in the room), but it seemed out of place since no other causes or treatments were specifically addressed...that would be Katie (daughter of Autism Speaks founders) who vehemently believes vaccination is the cause of her son's autism.

I liked the pleas for compassion and understanding and the sharing of positive parts to balance things out.

I hope Oprah does a follow up show. She seemed uncomfortable like she didn't know what to think, do, or say (judging by her body language)....she seemed very scripted and stoic in a way. But it is a new topic to her, so that is understandable!

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