Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Going Green

No, this is not about the Green the Vaccine rally (what does that mean, anyhow?), but rather something more productive to this family.

We have been gardening, and I am absolutely a gardening addict. No doubt about it. It's therapeutic and I feel like I am accomplishing something, so I don't feel like I am "wasting time." I've had some battles with critters (the neighbors' dogs, some pesky rabbits, my children), but things are still growing. And because we did raised beds (well sort of) and filled the beds with "Mel's Mix," we are only growing what we want to grow. So no pulling weeds. How cool is that?!?!??!

I am in love with the carrot sprouts. They are seriously the cutest little sprouts I have ever seen. Yes, I think my carrots are cute. I have issues. But look...they're all feathery and cute like.


More pictures for the record...

Flower bed, April showers bring May showers?

Flower bed, Summer is coming!

Vegetable garden, The beginning

Vegetable garden, Still planting and building.

Vegetable garden, They haven't died yet, and niether have we!


Niksmom said...

Ange, I totally hear you on the therapeutic value of (undisturbed) gardening! Yours looks wonderful! We're trying a small tomoato plant and some peppers this year to see how they fare in our back yard before we actually put in a full bed. Got our first little tomato "nugget" out today!

Keep it like a secret said...

Those peonies look AMAZING! I love peonies! And btw, I made some salsa with fresh cilantro.....I think I am going to just rip out my grass and plant my yard with cilantro. Coz that plant isn't gonna last long. -Kelbel

Stimey said...

Wow, I need you to come take care of my garden. I cannot stand doing it.